Shields Residence
This client wanted to build their first home together so when they get married they could move into it. They worked super hard back and forth between builders because they wanted a custom build but with a larger builder that had higher than standard finishes. Many builders turned them down however we were able to get approval from one that was out of the normal and now its coming to life. We were also able to negotiate the cost when the footing estimate wasn't quite enough to cover the actual cost but a great result in the end and the builder did a great job overall.
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Smith Residence
The existing home on this clients property was literally falling apart and they had buckets inside to control the water seeping though. They played with the idea to renovate however the costs exceeded of that to build so we decided it was better to knockdown and rebuild. The block shape was extremely awkward being in a cul-de-sac and we had to design the home from scratch, room by room, with enough room for a swimming pool. They were so pleased with our Home Builders Advisory.
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Rinaldi Residence
This client really wanted a double garage but due to the block size we had to create a unique design and match them with a builder that was happy to take on such a project. A fully custom design home that addressed lots of the councils concerns with double garages on narrower allotments but we were able to get this one through.
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